Guidelines for Public Worship During COVID-19

Solon United Methodist Church 

On July 5 of 2020, we restarted in-person worship.  There were some months (due to the COVID surge) that we returned to live-streaming only. Currently, as of January 2022, we are again having in-person worship service in addition to live-streaming. We are doing this with prayer, care and concern for the health and wellbeing of all who come to worship God here. If you are in a high-risk category for severe illness from COVID-19 or feeling unwell, or you are not comfortable coming, please stay home and worship through our 10 AM live stream connection. 

*For now, we will worship in one service together at 10 AM. We are limited in our ability to clean the sanctuary between services. There will be overflow space in the Fellowship Hall to ensure we have safe distance seating.

*You will enter through the doors by the office close to the Cannon Road driveway. You will exit the doors by the kitchen. All other doors will be locked. (Of course, all church doors may be used for emergency purposes exiting the building.) Hand sanitizer is there for you to stop and clean your hands. 

*Face masks are optional. We strongly encourage you to wear a mask and keep your mask in place for the entire service. As Christians, our call is to serve the other. Wearing your mask is living the love of Jesus by caring for those around you, putting yourself aside for another.  We have masks available if you do not have one. 

*To create and ensure safe distancing, an usher will guide you to your seat.  A household should sit together. You may be asked to sit in your seat as others exit the sanctuary. 

*An usher will record the names of everyone attending. (There is no attendance pad in the pews.) This is done not just for church records but also for COVID-19 tracing purposes should the need arise. 

*We ask you not to roam around the church and restrooms should be used only if absolutely necessary. We cannot clean and sanitize restrooms between use on Sunday mornings. The sanctuary and restrooms will be cleaned and sanitized during the week.

*The offering plate will be available on your way out of the sanctuary. Plates will not be passed. Individual communion wafer and juice sets are available and can be picked up on the way into the sanctuary. Though the wafer is small, it is not gluten-free. We do not have a safe option for gluten-free wafers now. If you have a gluten intolerance, you need to bring your own elements for now.

Please stay seated for music. 

*For now, the nursery will not be available. As we work through these challenging times, we will revisit this later. The Children’s Welcome Center will not be available for now. We encourage parents to bring age-appropriate books and activities for worship. Quiet toys are welcome, too. 

*For now, there will be no coffee time. The kitchen is not available. If you want to connect with others, we ask that you do this outside, at a distance of six feet for safe social distancing. 

*For now, the Prayer Corner is not available on Sunday mornings. You may call the office and schedule a time to come in and utilize the prayer corner. This maintains social distance and we can ensure it is properly sanitized. 

*Small groups can meet here. (Less than 15 people) You MUST schedule your group through the church office. We ask that you use the Fellowship Hall for your gathering. This ensures safe distances. Even better, use the picnic shelter where you can be outside. If your group would prefer to meet by Zoom, we can set that up. Help us stay open by following social distancing guidelines.  Please contact the church office if you have any questions. 

We are eager to gather as we learn and live the love of Jesus and we want to spread the Good News to a frightened, hurting world. We do not want to spread COVID-19. Please social distance, wear masks, wash your hands and don’t’ touch your face. Thank you for your fortitude, patience, and support in this pandemic. We continue to seek your patience and gracious understanding of all the new changes. We know that you may have lost income and time with family and friends. We pray to support you and pour God’s hope in you. We ask you to pray for all as we move into this new phase. 


Revised 1/27/2022