We exist to share the love of Jesus Christ every day, and we want to help you find Jesus in your life every day. You are a gift to the world, no matter who you are, what’s happened to you, and any choices you might have made. This is a place of rest and hope for you. Welcome.
We try to follow Jesus as we live together here at SUMC. We believe Jesus was right, and through worship, study, and service, we meet Jesus where we are and try to move closer to Him.
In our worship opportunities, studies, groups, youth, children, and mission outreach, we are here helping each other and looking for help from others to live the love of Jesus every day.
There’s more that Jesus is leading us to do than we have actually managed to get on with. So, if you stop by and visit, you might discover us still putting some things together, but we would love to see you. We would welcome what we can do together living the love of Jesus every day.
Pastor Cynthia Theobald
SUNDAYS AT 9:30 AM (Traditional) and
11:00 AM (Revive - Contemporary)
10:30 AM “Halftime” with Connection, Coffee, and Conversation
Click to view live service - LIVE SERVICE
(Click here to learn more about each service)
We will be live streaming the 9:30 and 11:00 Sunday services two different ways.
1) We will be streaming as always on Twitch at www.twitch.tv/solonumc. To join the Twitch chat, you must be logged into the chat app and click the small heart icon on the upper right of the page.
2) We will also be streaming on our YouTube page on www.youtube.com/@solonumcohio655. To join the YouTube chat, click on the speech bubble icon.
As with anything new, let us know if you had any difficulty watching or chatting. We will update instructions as new information arises.
“Do Something Drastic; Cut the Plastic”
Solon United Methodist Church is committed to the care of the earth through active recycling and especially in the reduction of the use of plastic. If you’d like further information on learning how to care for this wonderful gift of creation, click on the 2 links below and visit us on Sunday to discover more about our environmental mission.
“God saw all that was made and it was very good.” Genesis 1:31
Unreasonable Generosity…FOR CHRIST AND HIS CHURCH
In response to God’s great love in Jesus Christ, and as a concrete expression of my faith in and commitment to Christ and his church,
I/we plan to TAKE ONE STEP UP in my/our giving.