New Here?
What to expect when you come to worship at Solon United Methodist Church:
OUR 9:30 AM WORSHIP SERVICE follows a traditional worship style where we sing hymns, pray together as families, recite the Lord’s Prayer, have Moments with the Children, and listen to the morning message from Pastor Theobald. We come dressed informally and formally. And it's easy to follow and participate in the service as it's projected on our screen.
Between the 9:30 and 11:00 Worship Services, there is “Halftime” where there are opportunities to greet each other, have a conversation, and share in some coffee.
The sermon at both services is thoughtful and biblically focused and often deals with the problems we all face living the love of Jesus every day.
OUR 11 AM “REVIVE” WORSHIP SERVICE is more contemporary in style and people come dressed a bit more informally. We sing the kind of music that you may hear on The Fish and Air1. Our Praise Band leads the music using guitars, keyboard, drums, and bass guitar. Everyone is free to sit back and listen or sing along. It is a warm and inviting atmosphere to pray and worship together as families and enjoy a more interactive worship experience. All ages are invited to share in this worship experience. Afterwards, we visit with one another and share in an extended coffee time.
We leave each of our services having done our best to lay our needs before God and plan to take Jesus with us in our everyday lives.
If you'd like more information, please send us the completed form below.