Our History
Solon United Methodist Church History
1957 Conference - Solon was growing and a group of interested Methodists held a meeting at the fire station to start planning for a Church in Solon. They organized a youth fellowship, a women’s society, and a Methodist men’s group.
1959 With Rev. Keith Metzger, student pastor, a church was formed on June 26th and became the First Methodist Church with 70 charter members. They rented space in the Solon High School and baptized their first baby.
1961 Members purchased the 23-acre property at S.O.M. Center Road & Cannon Road to build a church.
1963-64 Church members began planning for a building. Every member contributed to making a church building a reality. Groundbreaking began in March 1964. The Fellowship Hall became the first sanctuary.
1967–79 The Evangelical United Brethren and Methodist denominations merged and the church became Solon United Methodist Church. The building of a sanctuary and educational wing began.
1979 -81 Stained glass windows were designed and installed.
June 21, 1981 The first service was held in new sanctuary.
1982 A storm caused the steeple to fall and was replaced.
1984 The church celebrated its 25th anniversary.
1988-95 In 1988, members made their first mission trip to John’s Island, South Carolina.
1996 A contemporary 2nd service was started.
June 7, 1998 Plans began for a new addition with more classrooms, a bigger nursery, larger bathrooms, and storage areas. The building was completed in 2001 with the first service held on Nov. 25.
2006–16 The Play and Prep Preschool was started.
2009 The church held a 50-year celebration. It was also the beginning of Good Works Missions.
2016 Rev. Cindy Theobald became pastor.
2020 The church learned how to live-stream a combined service (due to the pandemic).